As a director of the American NGO “”, Yasuda is developing a “Digital Identity” business aiming to issue digital certificates for refugees in Bangladesh, while belonging to a major IT company. His career is glamorous with a modern global elite, but it’s not the essence of her.
A specialty project that selects 30 people under the age of 30 with a vision and talent representing Japan 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2019 What is the future image drawn by Yasuda who won the politics category of ──.
Born in Russia and raised in Hokkaido
Yasuda’s life has been global since she was born. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Born in 1995 between a Japanese father who was doing business in Russia and a mother born in the former Soviet Union, he came to Japan at the age of four and a half. In the midst of the turmoil caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union, his father decided to return to his home country of Japan. She is “thankful” for the decision that cultivated her global sense.
The family, originally from Tokyo, soon moved to Sapporo. For his father, Sapporo was an area where trading business with Russia and the former Soviet Union was easier. Most of the conversations between families at home are in Russian. I used Japanese at school and learned English from an early age, so I was able to read and write in three languages to the same degree.
“I had never worried about my identity when I was a kid in Japan. Self-awareness is completely Japanese. By the middle 1 I could speak English almost natively, which was a great strength. Instead, they looked at me as if they were half-cool.”
Laugh when the characters that appear are different depending on the language you speak. Russian speaks more aggressively, English speaks clearly from the conclusion, and Japanese doesn’t say everything and values line spacing. The behavioral patterns are skillfully changed according to the person to talk with.
From the second year of elementary school, I attended a Russian school in Japan after class and learned Russian in the form of W school as well as at home. In junior high school, I also took classes in English such as English and biology.
The broadening of her language skills prompted her to look not only at home but also outside. From high school, the choice of university destinations was inevitably expanded overseas. The final choice was the Paris Academy of Political Science. Yasuda, who was interested in environmental issues in science when he was in high school, was thinking about going on to study in Japan. However, as a result of talking to science researchers, I realize that political power is more important than technology for solving global problems.
“In the end, politics will decide which research to allocate the money to, so I thought it would be better not to be a researcher myself but to go to the side that creates the system. I was looking for an overseas university to study,”
Translated from Japanese:
日本を代表するビジョンや才能の持ち主30歳未満の30人を選出する名物企画「30 UNDER 30 JAPAN 2019」のポリティクス部門を受賞した安田の描く未来像とは──。